PT/OT visit

PT/OT had her sitting on the side of the bed and she even stood for a few minutes(with assistance). 

Still a definite left side deficit. But is moving everything on purpose. 

Dr toggle said to keep her awake, d/c art line, foley. To floor soon 


MRI results

Erica's doing great! She recognizes voices, can whisper words (damn ET tube), and move everything on command. Amazing!

Considering such a massive stroke, She's made remarkable progress in first 3 days and we're optimistic that she will recover from this and we expect her home soon. Yay!  However she still has cancer...

The MRI yesterday shows the blood is nearly gone and the swelling subsided, but revealed the 1.4cm tumor responsible for this mess.

It's too early for any kind of prognosis and there's options. But one step at a time.  


The breathing tube is out!! Her throat is very dry of course and she can only kind of whisper. But she is with us. When they first pulled the tube out she knew that she was in the hospital and had had a brain bleed but she doesn’t always remember that. She’s able to recognize Bryon‘s voice on the phone and try to talk to him. So far so good❤️


They had told us the MRI would be at 11 but they change that to 1 o’clock just letting people know if they’re expecting news. Of course will post after the MRI is done later