This morning October 24

So when I got here they had the sedation turned up as she got pretty agitated during the night. They turned it down when I got here and when the intensivist came in just now Erica opened her eyes followed commands with both arms and legs and shook her head “no” when the doctor asked her if she had any pain She has an MRI at 11:00. I did talk to the neurosurgeon’s PA and there are no major concerns right now. Still not as much movement on the left side. She is on tube feeding for nutrition. She just finished an awesome session with physical and occupational therapy. They sat her up at the edge of the bed she was very awake and responsive nodded appropriately to questions and seem to know that it was me there too. Amazing!!!! Some pretty good movement of her left hand as well. Will post later after the MRI.

We all so much appreciate your love and concern❤️

How's Erica

;TLDR Given her circumstances, She's doing great!

2am Friday - Erica wakes up with a throbbing headache. Tries to get out of bed and falls down.  "It hurts so fcking bad, I'm having a stroke" were probably the last words she uttered. She goes unconscious. 

Intubated in the ER and the CTA  reveals: 

Likely a metastatic tumor started bleeding  with a 16mm shift. 

The latest: She's breathing on her own (although still intubated) is responsive and can follow commands. Hooray! 

The plan is to pull the breathing tube and ventricular (brain) drains tomorrow. Yay!

She's doing remarkably well. I'll keep you updated. 

About the site: Erica has TONS of friends and family that love her need to know how she's doing without being subject to a 100 person group message. Facebook isn't the answer either. Although this is a 'public' website/url only you know how to get here and unless anyone shares this on facebook or twitter it'll remain relatively private. 

You can subscribe for new posts and comments. This site doesn't have any analytics (so you won't suddenly start getting targeted ads for chemotherapy drugs) and I won't sell out your email address. 

I thought this is best way to coordinate and communicate among all of Erica's many disparate and diverse group of friends and family that have nothing else in common with the exception that we all love her dearly. 

forgive the domain ( It was another project I was working on once upon a time. It was already up and running so I'm using it. 

Looking to Help? Packing Day - October 30: noon til ??


thank you all for the support and offers. It is looking like there will be lots of people here. thank you! If you are planning on coming, look around and see if you have any of the following to bring: 
  • - small / medium boxes
  • - packing supplies, peanuts, moving supplies generally. 

thanks! see you soon. 

As many of you know, we found a new house and were planning on moving in a couple of months. Given the circumstances, We thought it'd be better to move immediately. How awesome would it be if Erica doesn't have to worry about that and could come home from the hospital into her new house? 

So, next Saturday we'll all convene to pack up 90% of our current house into boxes (don't worry, we're just packing. I've hired a mover for the rest). If you'd like to help, just leave your name down in the comments and show up anytime for any amount of time. Bring a snack to share. We'll be here together to make the best of a terrible situation. 

Also, If you're not getting emailed updates, there's probably an email in your SPAM box, you'll need to confirm your email address.