PT/OT visit

PT/OT had her sitting on the side of the bed and she even stood for a few minutes(with assistance). 

Still a definite left side deficit. But is moving everything on purpose. 

Dr toggle said to keep her awake, d/c art line, foley. To floor soon 



More encouraging news. Yay!!
Praying for you Erica!
Yessss!! Thank you God!!! Hugs to Erica💕💖💕💖
Hugs Erica and Deanna, Bryon, Leila, Sophia, and Libby
Great progress. We are so proud of you girl.
Great job Erica! 👏 Amazing lady!! Love you!!❤
That's our girl! Way to go Erica! She is such a Rockstar! This is so encouraging. She is one of the strongest women I know (she gets that from her Momma!) God is hearing our prayers too. Praise the Lord!
Great job, Erica! We're all pulling for you!
Great progress!
Thinking of you and praying for strength for you every day!

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