
Recovery is progressing well so far. Erica was cleared to have a ground consistency diet with thickened liquids. So she actually had a few bites of food and part of a Wendy’s frosty. She was up in the chair for a couple of hours. When she’s awake she’s oriented to herself and the people around her and knows who we are. She still off and on with memory of the fact that she had the brain bleed and surgery. Her speech is stronger but still hoarse and soft. But improving. Bryon and the case manager discussed rehab facilities and decided on a couple that are close by. Which ever one she can get into. The intensivist is putting orders in for her to go to the regular surgical floor today. Whether she goes depends even if they have a room of course. She’s on a tiny bit of oxygen mostly when she’s sleeping. The intensivist thought she should be able to go to the rehab facility in a few days. So that’s really good news!


That is so good to hear! I hope she can go to 5N and Nadine can check on her at night. Tell her we are all rooting for her. She is one tough lady. We love her and are so happy to hear she is making progress!
Yes! Way to go, Erica!!!! Keeping you in prayers for a great recovery!!! Love you lady!!!

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