Three weeks out.

Or three weeks in, depending on how you look at things. The pragmatist [1] would say we're at week three. 

Anyways, because she's strong and able she's been deemed a fall risk and bought herself a 24 hour sitter. Which is pretty awesome because it's way better than the one visitor/day policy. Yay! The last few nights I've curled up in bed with her and she's sleeping great. 

She passed her swallowing eval so now she can have unthickened water and [mostly] real food. Win! She's up and about, can walk the entire hall unassisted and her discharge date is set of 11/21. Pretty remarkable for a stroke as big as hers. 

Neurologically she's the Erica we all know and love. This morning we were going through this site through all the events that led to today and she knows what happened. She also knows all of you who posted comments. It's pretty sweet. 

I wanted a picture to post here because she looks amazing, but she's a little hesitant. But since every day has been better than the last it's only a matter of time. Soon... :)

[1] - an adage where the optimist says it's half full and the pessimist says it's half empty. The engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. 


So proud of you Erica! You are amazing and a miracle!!! Praying everyday for you!
We love you Erica! You are amazing and strong - you've got this!!
Keep it up Erica. Praying everyday for you. Love you lady and love hearing about your progress.
We miss you Erica and our bonfires! Can't wait to see you again soon 💓
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news. I’m so happy she’s doing well. Connie
You’re recovery so far has been beyond impressive, Erica! And you know how hard it is to impress a nurse! Keep fighting, my friend!
You’re rocking it Erica. Great news on the discharge soon. We love you and pray for all of you guys. 💕
Nice work Erica B!!! Keep it up! Love you ❤️
Love you girl!
Nice work Erica!! You are tough as hell! Love you lady
Such great news! Please tell Erica she is the badass that I always knew!

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