Rehab Day 4

 There were some concerns the last few days about a possible infection because Erica had a slightly elevated fever, but after chest x-rays and other tests, she’s all good on that front. She’s had a very busy schedule between OT, PT, and SLP the last few days and she’s always very tired at the end of the day (or really about 3 – 4pm), but she’s also showing lots of improvement. Bryon sat with her today, and we came to the window to say hi – we made some funny faces and smooshed our faces against the glass, and she laughed and then she threw her arm over the side of the bed and pulled herself right up to a sitting position! Which immediately set off the bed alarm, so apparently, she’s been trying to get up and about over the last 24 hours. Her short-term memory is still not great, but she is otherwise more alert, aware, and awake every day. 



She loves seeing people through the window (she blew me and my husband lots of kisses today, and was clearly very happy to see us, or maybe it was because Bryon had just gotten in the room too), but her PT/OT/SLP schedule changes every day, and although we usually know what it will be the day before, it could change the day of they’ve told us. The sitter schedule changes every day too (we’re currently rotating between myself, Kathy, and Bryon), and when she gets too tired to really interact with people changes too, so it’s kind of hard to say when a good time for a window visit might be most unfortunately 



Bryon is planning to start having movers get the furniture from the old house to the new on Friday, and we are looking forward to seeing some of you on Saturday for the cleaning party – come any time after 12pm!



Can you please post the address and room number for Erica’s rehab? Is she able to receive cards, flowers, treats?
Hi Jane, let me check with them tomorrow, it's my turn again - I know she can't have treats yet, she's still on a ground/minced diet (I tried to give her a Reese's peanut butter pumpkin and they were having none of it), but let me make sure they can take deliveries of cards and flowers (which she would absolutely love!). I can't imagine it's a problem, but just to be sure.
I second Jane - I would love to stop by briefly if I have the address and knew a good time to come
Thank you for the updates! I would sure love to come visit or at least send cards! Love you Erica!!!

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