Rehab, day 2

Erica was very alert and aware for a bit today, she laughed, she smiled, she showed off her wrist dexterity. She drank a full glass of cranberry cocktail without help, and she took a few bites without any assistance (with her left hand!) but her back has been hurting so they gave her some pain meds for it and she got very, very tired. I left around 3 so they could do some tests and take her to dinner, and by the time I got back at 5, she was too tired for visitors anymore. 

I told her about the packing help yesterday, and she got very emotional (in a good way) about all of the love, thank you everyone, so very much.


I think pretty much everyone feels the same…that we would do anything for Erica (and you, Sophia and Libby of course)!
What Jane you all!
Love you so much Erica!!!
Thank you for the updates❤️
Exactly what Jane said. We love Erica and her family so much, we are all very happy to help.

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