Out of ICU

Erica got moved to a bed on the medical floor! She is much more alert today due to getting her Ambien and a good night’s sleep last night. PT got her up in the chair and she ate breakfast (thanks to Bryon’s friend for burritos from Santiago’s). She did spike a temp this morning with a slight elevation in WBC count so they are checking blood cultures and chest X-ray but it’s not that unusual to have a fever when not moving around much and not able to take deep breaths. Staff here are working on that. So hopefully everything is negative because her hospitalist said she could go to rehab as soon as tomorrow once the insurance is cleared. She looks better today.


Way to go Erica!!! You are amazing!
Awesome news. Keep it up Erica!!
Keep fighting Erica!
Yay. So happy to hear!
Yipeee Erica! Love you lady!!! Thinking about you constantly and pulling for you!!🙏👍😘😄
Dropped a card off for you yesterday signed by some of your Porter ICU family - love you - hope to see you soon!!💖
You go, girl!

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