The kids and I swung by and peeked in the window and the way to school, she smiled, waved, and blew kisses. yay. I came back and she was in OT cruising the halls and we hung out for a while. She's really intact and although her short-term memory isn't quite there, she does remember things from the day of her stroke, so that's promising.
She remembers (and is excited) about the costco couch her and my mother found. She's excited that I got the last one. But all morning she kept saying "It's so weird.." And understands she's had a stroke and her mind isn't quite right.
Her care team meets sometime today to have conference and will have a plan afterwards, so we'll know more then.
p.s. I told her about last weekend and how everyone showed up to help pack and she broke down. She knows you love her.